January 31, 2025: The Friday Retrospective
This has been an interesting week that has a lot to unpack and chat about.
So is OpenAI getting a true competitor? Are we seeing the rise of non-GPU trained models? No matter what you think there is a super interesting amount of items coming out from security researchers. Overall since it was developed in China it tends to always paint China in the perfect light. There hasn't been a lot coming from it where it is sending data back to China, but this is still some early stages researching.
Ultimately there are a few different places you can try it in a contained environment. If you are wanting to work with it some I recommend finding a secure place and then being careful what you feed it.
CloudFlare Terraform Provider
CloudFlare has released v5.0.0
of their Terraform Provider. Overall this looks like a more mandatory upgrade than usual. Overall it doesn't look like it is necessarily a "Nothing before this will work starting today", but there will no longer be active development which does mean that it will more than likely slowly stop working.
Overall it never tends to be fun having to go through the Terraform Provider upgrades, but they are important.
Portainer vs Kubernetes
I got to have an interesting conversation on this overall. Overall both of these provide, at the most basic level, the same thing. They orchestrate docker containers onto hosts. Overall the argument of one being better than the other is purely in the eyes of the operator. I personally prefer Kubernetes, but that is because that is what I use every day. I have generally always seen a lot of value from Portainer as a whole. I think there are a lot of valid things that it can help to provide.