January 24, 2025: The Friday Retro

January 24, 2025: The Friday Retro
Photo by Marsumilae / Unsplash

Well fortunately we continued to dodge some snow down here in the south. However tech continues no matter what the weather looks like!

Using your own suggestions

So Jeff Geerling posted a video that really resonated with me

Essentially his web server went down because he wasn't following his own practices of things. He was trying to eek a little more performance out of some hardware and well it didn't quiet happen.

In the video he did use some Ansible playbooks to recover and that is where things started to resonate with me. There are a lot of times where I won't prepare things the way I originally thought through. Or the things that I do in my homelab are not as complete as they would be at work.

At work I can certainly fall into the trap of making things perfect and in the process totally go over board. But often in my home lab it is the exact opposite.

DDoS Attacks

Another day another DDoS attack that Cloudflare worked to prevent. These things happen constantly and Cloudflare really does do a good job of helping to prevent them. If they aren't handled quickly they can quickly begin to overwhelm servers.


Kafka and Mosquitto

So some interesting conversations with my mentor this week on these. Overall many of us have probably worked with both of them in some capacity. I love using Mosquitto and Kafka I can tolerate. Overall MQTT is a massive piece and it is something that can really be beneficial or problematic. Kafka works ok under the best of conditions. Curious to hear if anyone has any thoughts on the differences.